Milon Canyon


Milon Canyon is in Geraneia Mountains, where Korinthia region borders with Attica. It took the name “Milon” after the Greek word “mylos”, which means mill. Some ruins of mills were found at the canyon, which show that there was higher water flow. It is appropriate for beginners, small in length, closed canyon trail, with the biggest descent being 25 meters. During the descent there is no other way out than the exit. The time needed to cross by the canyon is approximately 3 hours. To approach the exit, you need to hike for 30 minutes a path, which is slightly uphill. The best season to cross by the canyon is from October until March. Any other month, the canyon is dry. Position of entry (34S 686378E 42114176N) Position of exit (34S 686039E 4214810)


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